Shopping with a Foodie: Elly Pear
by Leah Hyslop

Elly Pear (real name Elly Curshen) runs The Pear Cafe in Bristol and is the author of the bestselling Fast Days And Feast Days. Her new book, Let’s Eat, (Harper Thorsons, £20) is out now.
Taste the Difference chunky cod fish fingers
'I tell everyone about these: they are head and shoulders above most fish fingers. Almost every day I get a text from someone I’ve introduced to them, saying, "Oh my gosh! These are so good!"
Lindt Lindor truffles
'These are my favourite chocolates. Everyone has a different way of eating them. I like them cold from the fridge. My mum shoves the whole thing down in one!'
'I love feta, but if you live on your own and open a pack of feta, it goes off so quickly. Pop it in a jar with some garlic and rosemary and top up with oil; it will keep for weeks.'
'It’s nothing to do with being trendy, I just love that intense green taste. I even have a hashtag I use on Instagram, #100wayswithkale.'
'I’m a massive sherry fan. Not the creamy sweet stuff: dry sherry, like La Gitana. Sherry is a real foodie’s drink. It makes all the food I love the most – salty, savoury, fried – taste even better.'

Yutaka Miso soup sachets
'My first book was about the 5:2 way of eating, which helped me lose weight. On a fast day, these sachets of miso soup are brilliant – they’re only about 20 calories.'
Coffee ice cream
'I’m on a lifelong mission to find the world’s best coffee ice cream. If I see one I haven’t tried, I buy it.'
'I often buy a posh pizza with a nice crust, then jazz it up. The other day I bought a mozzarella and sunblush tomato one and added anchovies, capers and olives.'
Fresh gnocchi
'I take these straight from the packet, then fry them in butter and oil so they go all crunchy and crispy.'
Roasted red peppers
'Jars of sweet red peppers are a good thing to have in the fridge – they’re delicious whizzed into a dip or sliced up in a frittata.'