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Taking stock of meals


Taking stock of meals


Serving up the same recipes over and over again? This Easter, take midweek meals to wonderful new heights with Knorr® stock pots.


Taking stock of meals


Cooking healthy meals from scratch is so important for so many reasons, but coming up with new ideas isn’t always easy. Perhaps you have a hectic family life, or find yourself spending more time at work than you do at home. Or maybe it’s simply a case of struggling to come up with exciting new options, week in, week out.
But tasty, exciting food needn’t be extravagant and Knorr – with its flavour-boosting stocks and easy recipes – has multiple ways to shake up mealtimes while still sticking to a budget. Whether you’re leaning towards beef or beans, chicken or chickpeas, Knorr’s flavour expertise can help bring variety to your meat and meat-free meal repertoire.
It might seem like a slight tweak but the effect of stirring a Knorr stock pot through some of your favourite recipes can enrich and enhance the overall flavour of the finished dish – at little extra cost.
See for yourself by making this sweet potato and bean curry. You’ll find the easy-to-follow recipe for this dish and many others at






Knorr Stock Pot 4x28g



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