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Have you heard about Sainsbury's new cookery show?

by Sarah Alcock

If you're always on the look-out for kitchen inspiration and love trying new recipes, don't miss Sainsbury's cookery show, What's Cooking? From The Sainsbury's Kitchen, launching on 25th Feb on Channel 4.

Our foodie friend Lisa Faulkner and dishy presenter Ben Shephard will be hosting the live lunchtime show, which will see celebrity chefs take to the Sainsbury's kitchens to cook up lots of new recipes, sure to become your family favourites.

Celebrity MasterChef winner Lisa is no stranger to the kitchen, but admits, 'There are always new things to learn about cooking, so this series will be huge amounts of fun, chatting to other chefs and being inspired by their menus and love of food.'

But for Ben, who claims to be as useful in the kitchen as a chocolate teapot, the show will prove a steeper learning curve. 'It'll be hilarious – we're going to have naked flames, food, cooking, live TV, and we'll be wearing enough hair spray to sink a ship – what could possibly go wrong?'

What's Cooking? From The Sainsbury's Kitchen starts at the end of February. In the meantime, why not try some of these easy meals at home?

Squash with lentils, courgette and blue cheese

Steamed salmon with lemon, chilli and couscous

Toad in the hole

Lamb meatballs with tomato, butter beans and bacon

Which quick, economical meals do you like to make at home? Tell us in the comments box below.

Watch the trailers here:

Don`t miss