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Stir-Up Sunday top tips

by Sarah Randell

On 20 November it's Stir-Up Sunday, time to dust off the pudding basin, put your apron on and start mixing your Christmas pud. Whether you've never made a Christmas pudding before or it's a family tradition, try our five top tips here. We've also got a fabulous recipe, cranberry gingerbread Christmas pudding with ginger sauce.


Top five tips
1. Buy the freshest ingredients – don't be tempted to use stale spices that are lurking at the back of the cupboard. It really does make a difference.
2. Set aside a whole day to chop, mix and steam your ingredients; this isn't something to be rushed. Make sure the whole family has a stir and makes a wish!
3. If you don't want to use beef suet, use vegetarian suet or grated butter.
4. Add breadcrumbs to the mix – this will make your pud light in texture.
5. If you're using a pudding basin, tie string around the rim of the basin to secure the paper and foil and make a string handle so you can lift the pudding out of the pan easily.

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Check out all of our Christmas recipes here.

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