My week; mincemeat, sausage rolls and mulled wine
by Sarah Randell
Getting ready for Christmas is no mean feat. I set aside two days this week to put the tree up, wrap my presents, write my cards and cook up a storm. I only got through half of the tasks but I did spend a whole glorious day cooking. Cooking, tasting and humming Christmas tunes. I made spiced red cabbage with pears and apple balsamic vinegar, two lots of bread sauce, cranberry and clementine compote, two stuffings and a bumper batch of Eric Lanlard's mincemeat from our January issue of Sainsbury's magazine.

I've been looking for some new ideas for something to serve with mulled wine and these hit the spot. I'll be making them on Christmas Eve to serve to friends we've invited over. Think usual sausage rolls but the pork mince is mixed with chopped pistachios and grated Bramley apple, then wrapped in puff pastry and baked till golden.

I based the idea on a recipe from the book, What Katie Ate by Katie Quinn Davies. I was sent a preview copy of Katie's book – it's due to be published in the New Year by Collins (£25) - it's gorgeous, just like her blog (, one to add to your 2013 cookery book wish list.

Here's the mulled wine recipe – it's made with white wine to ring the changes. (Look out for our Scandi gløgg recipe next week) Heat the contents of 2 x 750ml bottles of fruity white wine (Riesling works), in a pan with 200ml Calvados or brandy, 5 tbsp clear honey and 2 mulled wine spice sachets. When steaming (but not boiling), ladle into heatproof glasses. Add strips of orange or lemon zest and a cinnamon stick for festive flourish. Serves 8
Are you cooking for Christmas? Any cookery queries or worries? Get in touch at and we will answer them on 20 December, when we will be live on the blog from midday #SainsburysmagQandA #Christmas