5 things you didn’t know about Giles Coren…
by Sarah Alcock
The chance to interview no-holds-barred food critic Giles Coren was one I couldn't pass up (not least because he makes a few individuals at Sainsbury's mag go weak at the knees!). Among the answers to the (serious) questions I'd prepared, Giles shared some other gems about food and family life that we just had to share! So here are 5 things we learned and loved about Giles Coren...
1. On working... 'I work very, very hard in the mornings, from Monday to Friday, but I don't work afternoons, evenings, weekends, or most of July and August.'
2. On eating out... 'I almost always choose fish, because it's a pain to cook at home and smells the house out. That's what restaurants are for.'
3. On carbs... 'When I go for a big slap-up meal the key is to avoid the bread. I really don't eat bread, pasta, potato or rice, except about once a week. I think people with different blood types respond differently to carbs – they give some people energy, but they just make me feel sleepy.'
4. On his wife's cooking... 'My wife [food blogger Esther Walker] tends to underseason food. She'll put a plate in front of me and say 'It needs salt' and I say 'Why?!' If I complained or tried one-upmanship in the kitchen, though, she'd just stop cooking for me, and I know which side my bread's buttered.'
5. On guilty pleasures... 'Every now and again I'll go to Archway Kebabs near my office for a big, stinky doner kebab with chilli sauce. One of the things I've discovered since having children is that kebabs actually taste quite good sober. I love a Big Mac, too.'

Watch Giles on new series Back In Time For Dinner – episode 2 goes out Tuesday 24 March at 8pm