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Dill and feta rice with crispy fried eggs

Serves: 2
timePrep time: 10 mins
timeTotal time:
Dill and feta rice with crispy fried eggs
Recipe photograph by Kate Whitaker

Dill and feta rice with crispy fried eggs

This quick and easy dish is perfect if you’re short on time. A runny yolk is preferred here, creating a rich sauce for the tangy, herby rice

Serves: 2
timePrep time: 10 mins
timeTotal time:

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Nutritional information (per serving)

Nadine Brown

Nadine Brown

When Nadine isn't busy developing delicious recipes and using her experience as a health food editor to create healthy treats, she's munching and reviewing her way around her beloved home town of Tottenham. Find out what she's cooking and eating on Instagram @n0sh.17
See more of Nadine Brown’s recipes
Nadine Brown

Nadine Brown

When Nadine isn't busy developing delicious recipes and using her experience as a health food editor to create healthy treats, she's munching and reviewing her way around her beloved home town of Tottenham. Find out what she's cooking and eating on Instagram @n0sh.17
See more of Nadine Brown’s recipes


  • 3 tbsp olive oil
  • 3 spring onions, thinly sliced, whites and greens separated
  • 1⁄2 tsp cumin seeds
  • 1 x 250g pack pre-cooked brown basmati rice
  • 50g vegetarian feta, crumbled
  • 2 tbsp chopped dill plus extra to garnish
  • juice of 1⁄2 a lemon, plus wedges to serve
  • 2 eggs

Step by step

  1. Gently heat 1 tablespoon of the oil in a large frying pan. Add the whites of the spring onions and cook for 3 minutes over a very low heat, stirring often, until softened and just starting to turn golden. Add the cumin seeds and cook for another minute before adding the rice and stir-frying for 3 minutes. Transfer to a bowl, toss with the feta, chopped dill and lemon juice. Season well, then cover to keep warm.
  2. Wipe the pan clean and add the remaining oil, placing it over a medium-high heat. Once hot, crack in the eggs (if you don’t have a big enough pan, cook the eggs one after another), spooning oil from the pan onto the whites as they fry. Cook until the whites are set and crispy around the edges, and the yolks are still runny – about 2 minutes.
  3. Divide the rice between 2 plates or bowls, top with the crispy eggs, extra dill and spring onion greens. Serve with lemon wedges on the side.

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